Abounding in nature, there are many historically important locations, places where you can experience regional traditions and culture and popular leisure spots in Tohoku. However, traveling freely in the Tohoku area is costly and not easy since people usually have to use a combination of different means of transportation (ie. Shinkansen, rental cars, buses).

Prices may vary
But now travelers visiting Japan can purchase the Tohoku Expressway Pass from NEXCO East for unlimited access on the highways.

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If you are a traveler visting Japan, you can purchase the Tohoku Expressway Pass at affordable prices for unlimited access on the highways. For example, you can choose a two-day pass for 4000 yen or a seven-day pass for 8500 yen. The longer the period of time, the cheaper the price per day. The maximum length of time is two weeks.
Now we will show you an example in which four exchange students from Taiwan used the Tohoku Expressway Pass to travel around Miyagi & Fukushima for two nights and three days.

It is an opportunity to travel around Tohoku regoin at a special price.
One can stop at the places of interest; take a rest at service area; buy some souvenirs; have a good meal. Enjoy a freestyle trip.
The cost of a three-day Tohoku Expressway Pass is 5500 yen. However, if you were to visit the same places without purchasing the pass, the transportation expenses would be 12400 yen which is 6900 yen more expensive!
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