Tried rice harvesting in Ichinoseki city/ Tono city in Iwate pref.

Tried rice harvesting in Ichinoseki city/ Tono city in Iwate pref.

Fall in Japan is a delicious season of food which is why Autumn is called ” the Season of appetite”. This time, I went to Ichinoseki city, Iwate prefecture to see and try how they harvest rice.


1.The beautiful scenery of nature – The golden rice fields below the clear blue sky

In the end of September, when the rice are ready to get harvested, this area is all painted in gold. The rice plants waving in the breeze, the soft wind that touches our cheeks and the blue sky that makes the day perfect for harvesting rice! You cannot often find such a beautiful rice field in Japan like this.

2.Harvest the rice

Usually, the rice are harvested by machines but for this time, we mowed rice by hand. I grabbed the rice bundle with my left hand and cut it with a sickle with my right hand. The moment when I cut through the plants were satisfying and one of the participant also said that It makes him stress-free. When I take a deep breath in this beautiful place, I felt like I was starting to unite with nature. The surroundings of mountains and the great nature will make you want to stay away from the urban city for a while.



Harvested rice will be dried and threshed until they get white. Luckily, I had the chance to try the rice I harvested by myself! The farmers cooked the rice with chestnut for us. Chestnut is also one of the seasonal foods in autumn. My stomach was filled with ‘the delicious autumn’.


Through this experience, re-acknowledged that we human, nature and food are all connected in many ways. This place is highly recommended for people who loves nature and wants to taste food harvested in Tohoku. I also learn that I need to thank the people and nature who bless us with delicious food every day.

Store name: Farm house · Flower garden Shikaku
Location: Fujisawa Cho, Ichinoseki-shi, Iwate Prefecture Fujisawa Ginbunshaft 82
Phone number: 0191-63-2009

Store name: culture climate
Place: Iwate Prefecture Tono City Ayoro Tobu Kamiyori 32 District 10
Phone number: 090-6229-9451


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