Experiencing Urushinuri muffle painting at「Urumi technical art 」

Experiencing Urushinuri muffle painting at「Urumi technical art 」

Today I went to Morioka city where there is this show room shop of  Jyohojinuri・Hidehiranuri made by Urumi technical art. I was my first time and I was very nervous.漆1漆

What is Jyohoujinuri?

こちらの店で展示られている漆器は浄法寺塗になります。The ones that are displayed are jyohojinuri.

Processed with MOLDIVThe start of jyohoujinuri goes back 1200years at 728 where Tendaiji was build at jyohouji town and the priest made his own household goods. Jyohouji town was blessed of having good quality of japanese lacquer and suing those Lacquer ware business was busy.

The more you brush the more is gets glossy!

From the stafs explanation jyohoujinuri is very strong and has a beautiful color. At first the gloss is not there, but if use it every day the gloss will come out making it shining.


The picture above on left is brand new and the right one is used for ten years. You can see the gloss on it and I was confused which was the old one.

Experiencing muffle painting!

Generally「urushi」may have some very strong allergy, but here you don’t need to worry about allergy. Here they use Artificial raw materials named synthesis urushi. They do not use Honurushi there is mo worry of allergy. It is okay to use on dishes and rice bowls. There is no smell and you can enjoy a very good experience.

IMG_1751[1]Many people maybe nurvous at the begining can’t write on the bowl. The shop will support you when you write so try write a draft before beginning.


My heart was beating soo fast after an hour I was able to finish. When I put down the pen it I felt the accomplishment of doing it.

When it is done you can not take it home with because it takes a couple of days to dry it. It will be delivered from the shop. I can’t wait for it to come!!



店舗情報:「浄法寺塗・秀衡塗製造元うるみ工芸 ショールーム」
〒020-0021 盛岡市中央通二丁目9-23
営業時間:10時から18時 (年末年始のみお休み)



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