10 minutes away from Sendai Station, enjoy the tranquility of Dainohara

10 minutes away from Sendai Station, enjoy the tranquility of Dainohara

It is not a very common scene to enjoy the lush greenery of countryside near the city centre but, if you are in Sendai, you might want to rethink about your opinions.
The Dainohara forest park is just 10 minutes away from Sendai Station on the Namboku Subway Line. A 60-hectare urban park, 50 hectares of the same are listed as national forest area. As convenient it can get for visitors, the park is connected to both Asahigaoka Station and Dainohara Station.

Adventure with my sun!

The entrance to the park is easily accessible through the subway stations but being a rebel, we took the longer way and decided to go on the mountain trail for about 10 minutes before we entered the park.

It is really green!

As you cross the bridge which extends through the residential area, you can find a small lane leading to the park. Though the lane is not built using concrete and has a dense bush cover, it is wide enough for pedestrians to walk through. My son soon got used to the forest path though he was hesitant at first but soon sported the cap of a little adventurer.

Looking up to the autumn sky, the dappled light that added the glitter to the leaves and the branches turned our experience in the park into something absolutely refreshing!

To arrive at the park, passing through the mountain pass.

Apart from the 3-km circular path used by people to run on weekends, you can find a group of fireflies and killfish on the side paths. A firefly-viewing event is held every June and thus gives an opportunity to all the city-dwellers to enjoy something seen so seldom in our urban lives.

To arrive at Sendai City Science Museum, passing through the park

While you walk on your refreshing trail, you shall lead yourself to a park square where various events are held frequently. You can check the schedule before planning your day. Interestingly, the Sendai City Science Museum is nearby and can be easily accessed through Asahigaoka station. My little adventurer had a look at the special exhibition of insectarium. I should talk about it some other time!


Dainohara Forest Park is the peace required amidst the chaos. Breathe in a bit of fresh air, run across the grassy lanes and just indulge yourself in Shinrin-Yoku (Forest Bathing). Having a day off? There cannot be a better choice than this!


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