We try our hands at crab-fishing in Matsushima!

We try our hands at crab-fishing in Matsushima!

Matsushima, long known as one of the 3 absolute must-see sites of Japan, also gives visitors opportunities like, tea ceremonies, shrines, oyster festivals, boat excursions etc. This time, we decided to try our best at fishing for seafood as part of a packaged activity.

Getting to the fishing spot

It took us about 1 hour from Sendai Station  —> Tona Station where we got off our train and then took a taxi to the Tsukihama office of the tour company.


Riding our boat

Of course, because we are safety conscious here at Tohoku365, we recommend wearing the life-vests they give you when you embark on your boat journey!


Fishing for crab!

While you won’t be setting new traps for the crab yourselves (they need a day to soak), if you’ve booked ahead, you’ll be sent out to pick up the previously set traps. Usually filled with crabs, it was quite gruelling but exciting to pull our dinner out of the water!


The after fishing meal

Though there won’t be any michelin 5 star ratings for the simple boiled meat that we got to cook, it was extremely rewarding to eat the crab we just pulled out of the water. Plus, fresh crab is such a rare delicacy for us city-dwellers.



Tsukihama is a very beautiful location, which has many things to do for the nature tourist.  In our case, organizing a crab tour set us back a cool 2000 yen ($19.07 USD), which we thought was a perfect way to spend our money.

Fishing tour site (Japanese)


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