Eating the “Spiciest” Ramen in Sendai!!

Eating the “Spiciest” Ramen in Sendai!!

While the certain mellow aspects of traditional Japanese cooking is something that we love here at Tohoku365,  we sometimes have to challenge ourselves to interesting and new takes on normal dishes. So when we heard about the “hottest ramen in Sendai” we naturally had to take a look.

Hime Ramen is located in the Kokubuncho district of Sendai (think nightlife) in a fairly nondescreet building. It’s also home to the apparent “hottest ramen in Sendai”. Normally, miso ramen or soya based ramen is what people associate the word “ramen” with but this is a bit different.

Behold the「Hime Jigoku Ramen 」!



In Japanese “Jigoku” means “hell” and, well… the color does match the description! While our Japanese writer claimed that it was so spicy his head almost caught on fire, we do have to take personal taste into consideration.


If you like spicy food, and want to try this red, chili pepper laden, ramen from “hell”, head on down to Hime Ramen to try it yourself and let us know what you think!

Menu(As of October 2016)
Miso Ramen 750 JPY
Negi Miso Ramen  950JPY
Natto Miso Ramen 900JPY
Miso Chashu Ramen 1100JPY
Negi Miso Chashu 1300JPY
Miso butter corn Ramen  900JPY
Hime Jigoku Ramen 1000JPY
Showy  650JPY
Chashu Ramen 1000JPY
Negi Ramen 950JPY
Tonkotu Rame 750JPY
Hime Ramen 750JPY
Tukemen  650JPY



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