It is almost the end of summer and fall is coming.
It is said that fall called autumn appetite, the reading of autumn and some people called the love of autumn.
Today I will introduce some place that makes your luck of love improve.
Futahasira Shrine’s nearest station is Yaotome Station and it is a 20 minute ride from Sendai station.
It is east to go to Yaotome station, but going to Futahasira Shrine has a very long way to go to get there.
You have to walk abou 1.5km to get there and in the winter it will be cold, don’t forget some warm clothing.
It is a long one way road as for a 15 minute walk and you will be able to get there.
The donation is go yen that there is a meaning from the reading of it (go yen )= goen in Japanese which means good luck and that is why the donation amount 5 JPY.
When worshiping you have to do this process on order for the god to hear you. Bowing twice, clapping hands twice, and bowing again and make the sound be able to hear. I did this and I hope my luck of love has gone up.
I woundered why Futahasira Shrine is famous for a love power spot.
I did a little research.
It is in the way of counting the gods. We may think of them as a person so the gods would be counted as one person, two persons, but the true way of counting is one pillar, two pillars.
The two pillars(gods) are from the Records of Ancient Matters named (Izanagi no Mikoto)&(Izanami no Mikoto) are husband and wife. They are the first husband and wife in Japan and it is told they are enshrined gods give good luck of love and will be blessed with a child.
Also it it is not just for couples, but also for the same sex of larger scale of relationship of the people you me in your life. It may even work making new friends in the new semester of school and also for making new business partners during business negotiations.
The power spot in Sendai. We times is hard try to speak to the god to make you feel better. It is not a bad thing. Come here to see the gods with love ones or even your friends.
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