Today the last stop of Manga road is Ishino Mori Manga museum! Ishino Mori Manga Museum displays the Manga writer Ishinomori Shoutarou’s original picture, work, document and for Manga fans it is a place to unbearably go to.
The appearance looks like an spacecraft and let’s go inside.
Who is Ishinomori Shoutarou?
Ishinomori Shoutarou( Born is January 25th 1938 in Miyagi prefecture Tomegunnakadachou )
He is the writer of cyborg 009 and maskrider that has inspired many people through many generations.
When Ishinomori was in second year of high school he contributed to a magazine and got into the eyes of Osamu Teduka becoming the assistant of 『Tetsuwan Atomu 』.
Later, Ishinomori has place his office in the holy area of Manga in [Tokiwa-sō] and leading the Manga industry with Fijiko Fujio, Fujio Akatsuka.
「The Hands of Manga」at the entrance !!
At the entrance there is a hand print of Monkey Punch (Rupin the third) , Tokuo Yokota(Ma-garetto chan), Muraeda Ken’ichi( Maskriders SPIRITS) of famous Manga writers
Also there are Mural paintings of cyborg 009 of Ishinomori’s charater making it exciting before going in.
The Manga world!!
Once you entered the museum you have stepped into the Manga world.
There are solid panels drills going through walls a seen of from Manga, the reception desk in costume as 009 and feels like you are lost in the Manga world.
Every thing is unreal and unusual.
You can learn the history of Ishinomori and there limited-time goods and souvenir.
If you buy a ticket you can go into a charged area of seeing the hero of Ishinomaki 「sea jetta kaito」and the original movie of him.
This movie is made by very famous staffs and casts and it is the one you should see.
(fee:大人Adult800JPY / student500JPY / elementury student 200JPY)
The second floor is amazing !!
The main area of the permanent exhibitions space and Projects Exhibition Area.
In the permanent exhibitions area you can enjoy the world of Ishinomori.
(You are not allowed to take pictures)
・Change into Mask rider f
Defeat the coming enemy with punches and kicks.
・Ride syclone
You can enjoy the ride of cyclone go
・A test to see if you are suitable for hotelman
You can see if you have the skills of being a hotelman and it is from the Manga[ Hotel ].
【Permanent exhibitions area】
There the Masks of the legends of the mask rider series is displayed and can enjoy the place with your family.
【Projects Exhibition Area】
In some times the display theme changes so tune into the official site for more information.
There many things in Ishino mori Museum.
Adults and children can have fun.
Come and see the Ishinomaki’s Ishino more world!!
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